Learn How to Become a Neurofeedback Service Provider

Learn How to Become a Neurofeedback Service Provider

Many people become interested in neurofeedback after participating in neurofeedback sessions or reading about it. You may be wondering who can be a Neurotherapist and how to get started in the field of EEG biofeedback. This will help you understand how to become a neurofeedback practitioner.

Providers of Neurofeedback Services include:

  1. Licensed health-care providers
  2. Institutions such as Addiction Treatment Centers, Mental Health Treatment Centers, or Wellness Centers
  3. Educators and schools who are licensed

Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Educators, Medical Doctors, Nurses, and Physical Therapists are examples of licensed health care professionals. Several states are sponsoring House Bills that would allow alternative practitioners to work alongside medical doctors without the need for a state license. New Mexico was the first state to pass this critical piece of legislation, with their landmark House Bill 0664, the “Unlicensed Health Care Practice Act,” which went into effect in 2009. This new legislation is being developed in response to a 1997 Harvard Medical School study that revealed that Americans made 627 million visits to alternative medicine practitioners and spent $27 billion of their own money on alternative therapies.

In comparison, Americans made only 386 million visits to their primary care physician. In New Mexico, this new title is Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practitioner (CAHCP), and complementary and alternative healing methods and treatments include Ayurveda, Detoxification Practices, Homeopathy, Holistic Kinesiology, Meditation, and Mind-body practices such as EEG biofeedback. Look up the current status of “Health Freedom” legislation in your own state to learn about the various licensing requirements.

Institutions with licensed professionals on staff, such as addiction treatment centres, mental health facilities, wellness centres, and schools, can supervise a certified neurofeedback technician who may or may not have a clinical degree. NTCB and BCIA are the two organizations that offer neurofeedback certification. Both organizations have done an excellent job of legitimizing and protecting the integrity of the neurofeedback field by providing various certification programs based on clinical degrees and objectives.

The Biofeedback Association (BANA) offers their member’s group insurance rates for natural and alternative therapies, including professional and general liability insurance, as well as prepaid conflict resolution, once they have been certified by either the NTCB or the BCIA. Because the BANA insurance policy does not cover allopathic, chiropractic, counselling services, homeopathic, naturopathic, or naturopathic medical professionals, they can join the Medical Biofeedback Association (MBACB) section of the International Medical Association for Natural Therapies (IMANT). The MBACB insurance policy covers these occupations.

Finally, you’ll need to decide on equipment and training. There are numerous options available, and you will need to do your research. Keep an eye out for future articles on questions to ask yourself when shopping for a neurofeedback system.

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