Difference between transportation and logistics services

This is a question that is often asked by businesses that are considering using one or the other to move their products. While both transportation and logistics services can get your products from Point A to Point B, there are some key differences that you should be aware of. This can be done via land, sea, or air. Transportation services are typically provided by carriers, such as trucking companies, airlines, and shipping companies.

Transportation and logistics solutions:

The main difference between transportation and logistics solutions is that transportation is focused on getting the product to the customer, while logistics is focused on getting the product to the customer in the most efficient way possible.

Transportation services can include many different types of transportation, including air, rail, truck, and ocean. Logistics solutions, on the other hand, are usually focused on trucking.


Another key difference between transportation and logistics services is the cost. Transportation is typically more expensive than logistics because it is a direct service. This means that the logistics company is not directly moving your product, but is instead working behind the scenes to make sure that your product gets to its destination in the most efficient way possible.

Transportation services:

Transportation services involve the physical movement of goods from one location to another. This can be done via land, air, or water. ขนส่งภาคเหนือ also include the loading and unloading of goods, as well as the packaging and labelling of goods.

Logistics services:

Logistics services, on the other hand, involve the management of the movement of goods. This includes the planning and coordination of the movement of goods, as well as the storage and handling of goods. Logistics services also include the management of the transportation of goods, as well as the management of the distribution of goods.


Both transportation and logistics services are essential in the movement of goods. However, transportation services involve the physical movement of goods, while logistics services involve the management of the movement of goods.

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